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Invasive Species:


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Science Fair Information and Resources

Part 1: Selecting Your Topic

Use Science Buddies or browse the databases listed above for possible topics.

Part 2: Research


In order to find information, once you have your topic, you need to narrow your focus when searching.  Figure out the best keywords to use for your topic.  Here is a basic strategy adapted from Theresa Flynn, head of APS Library Services:

  1. When you begin a research project, start with a general source.  This can be an encyclopedia or a specific reference book.  Check with the library staff to determine what item will best serve your needs.  A general source should give you the basics on your topic — Who, What, Where, and When.  The answers to these questions will give you an idea of where else to look.
  2. Ask yourself lots of questions about your topic.  What do you know already?  What do you need to know?  Brainstorm a list of KEYWORDS — related terms and phrases you can mix and match when looking up your topic online.
  3. Start small.  When you go online, start with a basic search engine, or a specific database.  Hint: if you get over 300 hits, your search is too broad!
  4. Feel free to see the library staff for information on additional resources of interlibrary loan (ILL).  You aren’t limited to just the resources at Swanson!

Some resources you may consider using:

Other good sites (from Matt Hubbard, Virginia Tech ’08):