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The Swanson Code of Conduct

Service, Spirit, Scholarship

This code was developed early in the school’s history by staff, parents and students to encourage all students to conduct themselves in a manner that will reflect positively on themselves, Swanson Middle School and Arlington County. The values herein are still relevant and expected today.

It is the expectation of Swanson’s administration and staff that you, the student, will:

  • Be prompt, be prepared, and participate actively in your education.
  • Respect yourself, all students, teachers and others.
  • Use appropriate language and behavior.
  • Practice academic and social integrity.
  • Be actively involved and maintain a positive attitude toward school.
  • Be respectful of school materials and the appropriate use of school equipment.
  • Demonstrate behavior that does not interfere with the learning of others.
  • Work cooperatively in an effective and efficient manner.
  • Strive for academic excellence.