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FREE after-school private music lessons for underserved youth vetted by the Arlington Arts Education Department

Music for Life is a community-based organization that provides after-school music education programs to youth in the metropolitan DC area. The cost of afterschool programs can also be a challenge for some families. The organization offers free after-school private music lessons at the middle and high schools for those who are eligible. MFL received recently a federal grant award for the Arlington County Public Schools. The grant is awarded to students with financial need from Arlington County and requires to be distributed in the next three months.The Band & Orchestra Program provides support to students who are on free or reduced lunch at school and who want to be in their school’s band or orchestra program but need financial assistance in order to do so. For qualifying students, we can provide one or more of the following:

  • Assist with Private Lesson
  • Provide an instrument for use;
  • Assist with uniform costs;
  • Assist with participation or event fees;
  • Assist with transportation to events;

Qualifying students and their parent(s) or guardian(s) are required to submit an application and agree to participate in quarterly reviews of the student’s performance in the program. The student’s identity and all file information are kept confidential and have no bearing on the student’s grade at school or program eligibility. It is used internally by Music for Life to evaluate program effectiveness and demonstrate the program’s value to our funders. Once the application is received, MFL will review the application and determine the student eligibility. MFL will provide a qualified instructor for each student and instrument. Each student will receive 30 minutes of free private instruction.The application can be either sent to the address listed on the form or place it in a sealed envelope and MFL’s program coordinator will pick up personally the envelope. MFL is proud to mention that the Band & Orchestra program has already begun at Washington Lee High School along with Mr. Robinson. The program is vetted by Mrs. Pam Farrell and Mrs. Kelly Breedlove from the Arlington Arts Education Department. For additional questions and for a meeting request please contact, Mrs. Madalina Petric at madalina.petric@musicforlife.org or call 302-381-4237.