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Restorative Practices

What are Restorative Practices in Schools?

Restorative Practices (RP) is a proactive approach that builds the capacity of students to develop self-regulation, decision making, and self-govern their environment. Restorative practices provide a gateway for bringing equitable discipline that reduces exclusion, improves school climate, and fosters a school community that is grounded in relationship building.

RP in schools can happen throughout the school day in both academic and nonacademic settings. The school community collectively builds relationships with students and creates a safe and accepting climate for all members of the school. Restorative Practices have shown to have a positive effect on students’ ability to be accountable for their actions. Although students might be subject to natural consequences for the situation, they build an understanding that the goal is to create a safe environment that encompasses a quality learning experience for everyone on campus. Examples of RP at Swanson include restorative circles, restorative conferences, RP training (school and district), Peace Circle discussions, Community Days, affinity group activities, student and staff mentorship, staff book studies, and assemblies.

We welcome your questions and feedback regarding information or support you may need to grow your understanding of Restorative Practices at Swanson.  Thank you!

Understanding Restorative Practices Presentation